Icy Fingers
#It’s a chilly morning. The day will warm up, but only into the low 80s. CHance is walking with Illyana. I’m in the back garden-office-hut with Lucy. Icy fingers on the keyboard. Not much to write. This space is becoming more interesting, with the little shelves installed. There’s easily room for another six of these little platforms. And the two larger shelf units will be for more storage and even books. With the closing of consignment at All Things Right & Relevant in Davis, we’ll have to find new selling outlets. I’ll try Powell’s in Portland. A big “maybe“ but it’s something.
Organizing the library spaces will become a priority. A good project for cooler weather since I can remain working in the spaces (office-hut, garage) for longer each day. There’s a strong impulse in me to get ahead of the curve on the books. I also want to get into a better rhythm at work. The idea of making an additional $1,000 a month is attractive, so I don’t want to give up. But I don’t have a weekend any longer. Weekends were apparently more useful than I thought, even in semi-retirement. We organize so much around the Monday through Friday busy-ness.