
I'm Back


We’ve missed some days together. Our holiday in Ashland put a stop to daily writing and posting. Now I need to get back into the groove. Ashland was fun. Our gang ranged in number from a low of six to a high of twelve. Everyone claimed to have had a wonderful time. And our 2024 plans are in process. Hotel room(s) reserved, ticketing plan emailed to the gang. November 8-9 I’ll organize and place our ticket order for 2024.

Things are pretty emotional on the home-front. Still dealing with DAH-cancer, or course. Infusions (immunotherapy) begin again on November 2. Hopefully we can steer clear of colitis this round and keep up treatments. I expect some diet changes are going to be made. A colitis diet book is on its way. Poor Tinkerbell has a large mass on her shoulder. The veterinarian doesn’t have any ideas what to do. Which isn’t reassuring. We can at least keep her happy as long as possible. She’s not currently in any obvious distress. But with the George changes so fresh, poor Christine is close to tears much of the time. So, I’m avoiding emotional subjects as much as I can. Stoic-DAH is the order of the day.