
: Not Quite Daily This is my quietist Sunday at the Califonia Welcome Center. By 1:00 PM I’d had one visitor. And that …

: I'm Back We’ve missed some days together. Our holiday in Ashland put a stop to daily writing and posting. Now …

: And Away We Go Wednesday is driving day. We’re off to Ashland, Oregon. Judy will pick us up at 9:30 AM. CHance …

: Getting Ready to Go Tomorrow we head to Ashland, Oregon. Wednesday through Sunday relaxing and seeing plays. Then home …

: What I Did Today This morning Christine and I drove to Husch Vineyards. It’s a few miles beyond Philo on Highway 128. …

: Really Random I met Lauren Sinnott this morning. She’s the artist who created the enormous historical mural on …

: Ashland Prep Our preparation for Ashland has begun. I’ve sent a recap email to all our crew explaining what we’re …

: Various Welcome to bloody Thursday. Christine’s having a blood draw in Healdsburg this morning, then we’re …

: Never Mind Beets beat blood. That’s my belief today. No blood in the stool yesterday. But beets for dinner. …

: Nothing Good Care conference by telephone for George today. It sounds like if they complete the MoCA test, and he …

: Out-of-sorts I’m feeling low and out-of-sorts today. I don’t know why. It’s only noon on an open Monday. With me …

: Sunday Cancel Day This Sunday turns out to be a cancel day. Judy is too tired for the Willits Arts Party. I took the …

: And it's Car Show Saturday in Ukiah Car Show Saturday. An overcast morning. We had some showers overnight. I expect things are already …

: Car Show Coming Up Settling in for another Friday at the California Welcome Center. Saturday should be crazy. Car Show …

: Bachelor Days Getting ready to be on my own for an evening or two. Christine is getting her hair done this …

: Instant Photos, Scanning, and Slim Volumes Here’s the idea. Take instant square photos and use them as key ingredients in collaging a book. …

: More Random Another day that I wanted open-calendared but is booked for the afternoon. Darn it. I want some …

: Rooted? It’s a little annoying to set days when I want nothing scheduled, then to have things scheduled on …

: Another Sunday Sunday, and it’s overcast in Ukiah. Rain later? Christine and Illyana are in the Sacramento area …

: Saturday Foreshortened It’s another chilly morning at The Brownhouse. And a late day for work at the California Welcome …

: Etc A morning that began with fog is turning sunny, but not hot. The next week could bring our first …

: Icy Fingers It’s a chilly morning. The day will warm up, but only into the low 80s. CHance is walking with …

: Another Day Christine is off to the Sacramento area today with Illyana. Here’s hoping things will go as well as …

: Too much, really Lots of bits of writing today. TheThereThere letter is partially completed, and I think I can finish …

: Another random 200 Today I will complete the draft Visit Ukiah newsletter for review. I’ll also do some space making …

: Miscellaneous Sunday Sunday at the Conference Center. I almost lost track of my daily words. 200 a day now. The problem …

: Up to 200; Keying Morning Pages; Treasure Book Art Shall I bump these posts up to 200 words beginning today? I shall. Reading Julia Cameron, I should …

: Back to Work I’m getting ready to go. Work day downtown. I’ve made a start on the Historic Ukiah Home Tour piece. …

: Work Plan, Work Space Today I’ve work to do. I want to make space to work, and make plans to work. And work. I’ll begin in …

: Overwhelm Today’s tinged with overwhelm. I now have some more challenging work deadlines. Organization and …

: Feeling Artsy So, now I’m feeling all artsy. And unskilled and unpracticed. Should I be working on the ukulele? Or …

: Money Worries Money worries are at our door, as usual. George looks to be needing financial support. We’re …

: Arts Imbibe Arts Imbibe is my new blog. It awaits content. But I have set up the blog at artsimbibe.com. That …

: How could I have missed another day? 09 September 2023. I’m sorry.

: Back to the Welcome Center Back to the Welcome Center. I’ve got a six-hour shift today. I hope it goes swiftly. There may be …

: Sudden Infusions I wasn’t scheduled for a Remicade infusion and another nine week course of Prednisone, but now I am. …

: Feeling Good? I’m tired of not feeling good. There’s not much I can do about it, except to keep a …

: Supper Party and Ashland Prep It’s the shopping day for Wednesday’s supper party at The Brownhouse. Christine is shopping for …

: CapStage: First Day Trip We did our first day trip for CapStage yesterday. Drive to Tapa the World in Sacramento. A …

: Happy Cancelations (somehow I missed Saturday … too busy at work, I guess) Friend Judy’s canceled her Labor Day …

: Labor Day Weekend Today’s Friday, but it’s the Monday of my work week. Six hours at the California Welcome Center …

: Grooming Day Our two dogs are Cockapoos. That means part Cocker Spaniel and part Poodle. Because of the Poodle …

: Reading, Writing, and a Lack of Inspiration I’m falling behind in my reading. There’s no obvious reason. But I’m not happy about it. My writing …

: South Today We’re heading south again today. Into Sonoma County, which we like. For medical appointments (one …

: What to do ... Deciding what to do on an open day can stump me. There’s plenty waiting undone in and around …

: Krakatoa Day It’s Krakatoa Day. It’s also my half birthday. I’m celebrating by heading to Cloverdale for the …

: Newsletter Project I’ve got an email newsletter project. It’s for the California Welcome Center (Ukiah) where I work …

: Friday Friday has become the hub of my week. More accurately, the beginning of the week. Work hours begin …

: Out of the Past Dreams and fantasies from the past are rising around me. Dreams and fantasies I thought they were …

: A Gentle Outing Day Today will be a gentle outing day. Lunch out with CHance and a shopping visit to Oliver’s in …

: Rules for Living, 1 Rules for living for DAH to include addressing diet, exercise, and money. For diet, stick to three …

: Hilary It was overcast in Ukiah yesterday. Today, we have light showers. We’re getting the long tendrils of …

: Verbicide Verbicide is a noun that’s been in use since 1858. But it came to my attention in a piece by C. S. …

: Saturday working Saturday working at the California Welcome Center. I took a walk through the Farmers Market before …

: TheThereThere, 1 Friday’s TheThereThere letter launched. A focus on expanding the subscriber base (target 200+?) is …

: Art, 1 Am I silly to try visual arts (drawing, painting) again? Perhaps. But I’m going to give it a shot …

: Wonder, Awe, and Home I’m reading “Wonder Switch” by Harris III. This book got cracked open before two books about awe. …

: Meeting by Chance We drove to San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay last weekend. A couple of overnights at the Bay View Inn …

: Cameras, 2 -- and the heat wave Today will be hot. We’ve got a heat-wave going through Wednesday or Thursday. Thereafter, we drop …

: The Lost King It’s 92F outdoors at 8:00 PM this evening. My back garden office is at least 10 degrees warmer. And …

: On the Road, 1 This is my first time writing 100 words on the road. Today, I’m in a hotel room in Morro Bay CA. I’m …

: Our Dogs, 1 I’m already missing my dogs. Two lovely ladies of the floor: Tinker and Lucy. We won’t leave for …

: Road Trip to Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo We’re getting ready for a road trip. Five-and-a-half hours each way. It’s a route we used to take …

: Money, 1 We got hit with an unexpected $5,000 bill yesterday. Our share of our neighbors’ new fence. The …

: Cameras, 1 Unpacking is never fun. There are moving-packed boxes in my man-hut office that I’m trying to empty. …

: Gratitude, 3 I’ve finished another of my gratitude books. “The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking …

: No Lunch, But Grateful Sunday at the Welcome Center. And I left my lunch at home. There’s not much point making something, …

: Anxious Opening Today I’m back at the Ukiah Conference Center. Staffing the California Welcome Center booth is …

: Back to Wine I have a lunch meeting today with Jon and Sal. They’re my partners in A Gardener’s Path. That’s the …

: Gratitude, 2a I forgot to include in my recent post this from Rudy Gay’s “The Book of Delights” (page 135). “This …

: So Many Books I’m reading more and don’t know why. I always have a couple of books going. But I’m getting through …

: Gratitude, 2 I’ve read all the “essayettes” in Ross Gay’s “The Book of Delights.” I’ve cracked into Janice …

: I’ve Already Got It It’s easy to purchase inexpensive things. Computer cables, used books, toothpaste. It’s easy to …

: David Kadavy's Three CS I’m sharing, with permission, the Three CS from David Kadavy’s 100-WORD WRITING HABIT. …

: Two New(ish) Projects I’m still getting my feet under with my Ukiah California Welcome Center job. One more regular …

: Cool Coast Bodega Bay. We visited long-time friends, gathered from around the country. Wednesday and Thursday …

: Gratitude I wake each morning with a smile and a silent expression of gratitude. I’m determined to give …

: DAH: Just Visiting DAH: Just Visiting. DAH is me, David Anthony Hance. We lived in Santa Monica, Mum and Dad and me, …